Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Happy New Year and Thank You for 2004

Wow. What a long, strange trip it's being. Looking back all nostalgic-like and sappy-sentimental for the holidays, as 2004 draws to an end, it occurs to me that we have all grown so much and given so much love. I am forever grateful for the people who have pulled me through this year, supported me through some very uncertain career days, helped me navigate what it means to be alive and giving at a time in my life when I was extremely close to withdrawing altogether. I hope that I will always have the presence of mind to be touched when I think of the way my Last Concert and Tribe family has shared its music, love, visions, homes, and their kindness and downright largesse anytime I come around, no questions asked, just hugs and love. Not just the folks on the stage in the photos, either. Not by a longshot! The Tribe makes it all real, all happening. Last Concert Cafe' is one of those places you go when ya don't even know who's playing,, because you love the people who'll be watching whatever-it-is with you. And it always rocks.

I know that I won't always be so lucky. I'm sure there will come a time in my life when I can't find a soul to talk to; times in life when I can't buy a hug. Ups and downs are part of life, duh. I guess that's why I keep turning to my friends and loved ones and babbling, "We are so lucky. We're the luckiest people on Earth." There will come a day when photos of Carolyn, Scott, Cole, Screamin' Kenny, all those guys, will be tightly-controlled by the record companies or some fancy press agency, when nobody's allowed to tape under penalty of death and law. Yeah, yeah. I'm just grateful that they've been so indulgent of my little photography hobby, and I hope none of the shots that I think are most interesting are hated by their subjects. The art may be subjective, anyway, but my deepest gratitude is not.

Thank you, friends, for this amazing, kick-ass rock 'n' roll year.

...and a few other names I keeps to myself, amigos.