Friday, January 07, 2005

And isn't it ironic...don't you think?

Don't laugh, I still listen to Jagged Little Pill. Or, I would, except that on New Years' Day, someone walked past my car and swiped my entire CD collection out of my vehicle. Combined with being robbed at gunpoint some five days later, I'm wondering why 2005 has thus far been a year of attempts to divest me of my stuff. I don't think I've been particularly materialistic or covetous up to this point, so it might be a lesson in the opposite, since I am pretty irresponsible and careless with my own stuff. Maybe it's all about cleaning out the floorboards in my car and taking better care of the CDs I have left, I dunno.

I don't think 2005 got the drop on me in the right places, though. I read back over the words I wrote two weeks ago and I can only imagine and shudder to think that if I'd have corked it in the robbery, what a sappy fucking eulogy. But ya know what? It's fine. I meant every word. I'm clear on all that, it's the times we should have said "I love you" and didn't that may be the last things we ultimately remember. And man, that would suck. That's the lesson in 2005. That, and take better care of your shit or someone might just divest you of it.